Guidong County

  • 网络桂东县
Guidong CountyGuidong County
  1. Ecological Regional Economy of Guidong County of Hunan Province Development Model and Application Study


  2. The Study of Negative Air Ions in Scenic of Guidong County


  3. A Case Study of Guidong County : The Advantages Developing County Regional Tourism


  4. Characteristics and exploitable assessment of natural resources in Guidong County


  5. Survey of Autumn Migratory Birds Of Guidong County and Their Migratory Route


  6. At first , the essential feature and existing problem of the land resource in Guidong county were analyzed qualitatively according to the area 's current situation of land use structure .


  7. The negative air ions should be important resources in the processes of developing tourism in Guidong county , some suggestions are given on how to use it to develop ecology tourism .


  8. Since the end of 1960 's , Guidong County in Hunan has been an endemic area of tertian malaria with Anopheles hyrcanus sinensis as transmission vector .


  9. Then , the population , cultivated land , grain total amount and per unit area yield to 2010 are predicted in Guidong county according to the county 's data over the past years ( 1991-2000 ) by applying the grey predicting model of GM ( 1.1 ) .
